Red Ocean (PC)

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Red Ocean | PC Game | Genre: Action (FPS)
| Rapidshare | Size: 750 MB | Screenshots

Red Ocean is a first-person action game, that combines innovative shooter gameplay with unique underwater elements. Players take on the role of diving instructor and treasure hunter Jack Hard, who stumbles upon a secret Russian cold war research station deep underneath the ocean surface. As he discovers, it is controlled by a terrorist organization – and before he knows it, he gets caught in their nefarious schemes.
To combat the well-equipped enemy hordes, the player has to use the immense power of the ocean for his means. Firefights in collapsing underwater tunnels, structures that are obliterated by flooding, sinister frogmen hunting for the intruder, volatile explosives everywhere and a conspiracy involving deadly biological weapons make this game into an explosive action highlight.

The unique twist: players will deal with water in all 3 states of aggregation: in liquid form it not only enables you to approach enemies unnoticed by diving but can also conveniently drown a baddie. At sub-zero temperatures it quickly becomes a dangerously slippery surface and hot steam is nothing to mess with either.

Shooter action above and below water
Unique scenario
Thrilling diving sequences
Innovative water and physics gameplay
State-of-the-art graphics technology
Revolutionary water FX
Top-notch story

System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/XP64/Vista,
1.8 GHz CPU,
512 MB RAM,
64 MB DirectX 8.1 video card,
DirectX sound card,
800 MB HDD,

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